[Fwd: Re: [GRASS-user] some hints for grass 6.3, now on etch !]

georg at de-schorsch.de georg at de-schorsch.de
Wed Mar 28 07:03:51 EDT 2007

Hi, Raffaele,

> No library name is needed in the path-to-gdal, so only '/usr/lib' must
appear instead of the last two lines.
> If you compiled from source using only ./configure without options and
libgdal comes as debian package you need to install libgdal-1.3.2-dev
(in order to get library headers, *.h files) and use --with-gdal  option
(look at './configure --help' ).

Thats the thing , i had no -dev package installed.

BUT: My configure script runs through with some hints of finding no gdal
but gives at the end
GDAL-Support: YES !

I guess its an bug in the configure script.

more detailed answer with proofs, later on, stay tuned.

best Georg

(short answer from work via webmail)

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