[GRASS-user] No access to most of my point vectors

Agustin Diez Castillo Agustin.Diez at uv.es
Fri May 18 12:18:36 EDT 2007

Yes I did

v.build map=ACas260207b at adiez2 option=build
and not results, well yes those:
coor files of vector 'ACas260207b at adiez2' is larger than it should be  
(15145471 bytes excess).

On May 18, 2007, at 6:15 PM, Michael Barton wrote:

> Agustin,
> Silly question perhaps, but have you run v.build?
> Michael
> On 5/18/07 8:47 AM, "Agustin Diez Castillo" <Agustin.Diez at uv.es>  
> wrote:
>> I've lost access to most of my vector files in a mapset (adiez2 is  
>> the mapset where I'm working even if it shows up like @ at the  
>> GUI) Is there anyway to recover then other than reimporting the dbf.
>> When I try to deploy
>> d.vect map=ACas260207b at adiez2 color=0:0:0 lcolor=0:0:0  
>> fcolor=170:170:170 display=shape type=point icon=basic/circle  
>> size=5 layer=1 lsize=8 xref=left yref=center llayer=1
>> Size of 'coor' file differs from value saved in topo file.
>> Please rebuild topology for vector 'ACas260207b at adiez2'
>> Cannot open topo file for vector map <ACas260207_PS_EP at adiez2>
>> When I try
>> v.build map=ACas260207b at adiez2 option=build --overwrite
>> coor files of vector 'ACas260207b at adiez2' is larger than it should  
>> be (15145471 bytes excess).
>> Building topology ...
>> Registering lines:
>> But the dbf is there
>> ^C_^G^Z<E5>^@^@^@! 
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>> 6^@^@^@^@^@N^@^@^@^@^K^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^M Encantada
>>      730324    4300460          298.000000AC-enc Alc/Com     
>> Lorxa                                       ***********           
>> 1          1          0***********   ****
>> ********************************************************************* 
>> ***************          999999 TOSSAL DE LA ROCA (VALL  
>> D'ALCAL<C3><8B>              735500    42
>> 97100********************C70    Alc/Com    ALCALA                 
>> VALL D'ALCAL<C3><8B>         
>> *******************************************************    
>> ***************
>> ********************************************************************* 
>> ****           10070 COVA DE L'ALIGA (VALL  
>> D'ALCAL<C3><8B>                740000    4298900******
>> **************C69    Marina AltaALCALA                VALL  
>> D'ALCAL<C3><8B>         
>> *******************************************************    
>> **************************
>> **************************************************************        
>>     10069 PENYA DEL COMPTADOR (ALCOI                     720900     
>> 4282500********************C68
>>     Alc/Com    Serpis                ALCOI                  
>> *******************************************************    
>> *************************************************
>> ***************************************           10068 COVA DE  
>> PISCINA (BOCAIRENT                     708000     
>> 4294100********************C67    V. Albaida Albaida
>>               BOCAIRENT              
>> *******************************************************    
>> ********************************************************************* 
>> ***
>> ****************           10067 ABRIC DEL BARRANC DE LES CALDERES  
>> (PLANES      732900    4296700********************C66    Alc/ 
>> Com    Almudaina             Planes
>> *******************************************************    
>> ********************************************************************* 
>> *******************
>>     10066 ABRIC DE LA FALGUERA (ALCOI                    720700     
>> 4282900********************C65    Alc/Com    Polop                  
>> ALCOI                 **********
>> *********************************************    
>> ********************************************************************* 
>> *******************           10065 COVA DEL GARR
>> OFER (ONTINYENT                   708000     
>> 4296900********************C64    V. Albaida Albaida                
>> ONTINYENT             *********************************
>> **********************    
>> ********************************************************************* 
>> *******************           10064 COVA DE LA GERRA (BOCAIRENT
>>            708500    4295400********************C63    V. Albaida  
>> Albaida               BOCAIRENT              
>> *******************************************************
>> ********************************************************************* 
>> *******************           10063 COVETA EMPARET<C3><8B>  
>> (BOCAIRENT                    709400
>>     4293200********************C62    V. Albaida  
>> Albaida               BOCAIRENT              
>> *******************************************************    
>> ***************
>> ********************************************************************* 
>> ****           10062 COVA DE LA SARSA  
>> (BOCAIRENT                    709900    4293400************
>> __________________________________________________________
>> Dr. Agustín Diez Castillo
>> Departament de Prehistòria i Arqueologia
>> Fundació General Universitat de València     Phone:   +34 963 98  
>> 38 93
>> Avda. Blasco Ibañez, 28     Fax:       +34 963 98 38 87
>> València 46010
>> http://www.uv.es/sidgeipa
>> Member of the European Network of Excellence EPOCH
>> http://www.epoch.eu/
>> __________________________________________________________
> __________________________________________
> Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
> School of Human Evolution & Social Change
> Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
> Arizona State University
> phone: 480-965-6213
> fax: 480-965-7671
> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

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