No subject
Wed Nov 14 14:03:15 EST 2007
s.db.rim. I have never had trouble compiling rim on our Sparc 2 running
4.1.3 and the Sun fortran compiler for any version of Grass. It seems that
with Grass there is no way of operating on a multisite rim database directly.
You simply have to extract site list files from your database using the
".site_list" command in s.db.rim.
I started out messing about with individual site lists, but now I have many
site databases for climate, soil and other things for both Australia and
My only reservation is that rim is fairly primitive and fairly slow to
extract site lists when an attribute other than site no. is required. It is
best to set up the database using the s.db.rim interface, but load it with
data directly when running rim. It can be a fiddly business when formatting
data to read into rim. Also s.db.rim restricts the database definition file
to 19 lines, and a maximum of 72 (I think?) variables. I just have a whole
series of separate databases.
I believe that using rim is relatively efficient if you have many large site
data sets. Once you have it in the database, you can create site files at
will and switch them to ascii and back.
Not sure about the site buffering - I think I'll leave that to an expert.
Mike Hill
Michael J Hill
Research Scientist
CSIRO Pastoral Research Laboratory, Armidale, NSW, Australia,2350.
E-Mail address: mhill at
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