[GRASS-user] Problems with v.dissolve

Raffaele Morelli raffaele.morelli at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 04:39:22 EDT 2007

> I try to dissolve common boundaries of areas with the same attribute
> (not cat).
> The dissolved vector file does not contain a table. In addition, a
> vector file (without table) remains with an added 4 digit number at the
> end (e.g. DRP_Permea_diss_1234).
> Is this a bug, or do I have a problem?

It depends on what you expected to obtain.
Clearly v.dissolve can not produce attribute table as it produces vectors
with new "cats" and "old" atts in the resultant (dissolved) vector can't be
merged together.

Dissolved vectors need revisited attribute tables (eg. aggregate atts).

I used Grass 6.2.2 and the latest 6.3.cvs. Same problem with both!
> Best regards
> Manuel

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