[GRASS-user] v.in.ogr should support postgis schemas

Düster Horst Horst.Duester at bd.so.ch
Fri Nov 23 02:02:24 EST 2007

Since more than one year the ogr PostGIS driver supports PostGIS
schemas. For good DB-Modelling schemas are very essential. Unfortunately
the v.in.ogr command doesn't support PostGIS schemas till today. How are
the plans to introduce PostGIS schema support for v.in.ogr?

Best regards 

Dr. Horst Düster
GIS-Koordinator, Stv. Amtschef

Kanton Solothurn
Bau- und Justizdepartement
Amt für Geoinformation
SO!GIS Koordination
Rötistrasse 4
CH-4501 Solothurn

Telefon ++41(0)32 627 25 32
Telefax ++41(0)32 627 22 14

mailto:horst.duester at bd.so.ch

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