[GRASS-user] GRASS for windows script solution

francesco francesco.pirotti at unipd.it
Wed Nov 28 05:01:10 EST 2007


For all fearless Wingrass users,  I would like to 
share a solution for the following bug  ...."many 
shell scripts do not work, even if you enable 
correctly msys and include LIB and BIN paths in 
the PATH windows variable............" (from the 
readme file at the wingrass webpage).

PROBLEM - Long story short, g.mlist gave me 
errors because it did not fine "sed" and other 
executables, therefore scripts like g.mlist and g.mremove do not work
    1 - open the "Init.bat" file located in the 
... do not use notepad but a better editor that recognizes unix formatted text
    2 - add the line below after 
the   ..........if not 
"%GRASS_ADDON_PATH%"==...................... line (should be line 29)
           set PATH=/c/msys/1.0/bin;%PATH%
    3 - of course /c/msys/1.0/bin is the path to 
the bin directory of msys, if yours is different, adapt.
    4 - start grass and try.

Hope it helps!

Francesco Pirotti
Dept. of Land and Agroforest Systems TESAF
Viale dell'Università 16
35020 Legnaro (PD)
Ph.  049-8272710
fax  049-8272686 
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