[GRASS-user] i.pr: screen does not show map

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Nov 28 09:05:07 EST 2007

On 28/11/07 14:25, Daniel McInerney wrote:
> Hi Moritz,
> What does v.info training give? 

 > v.info training
  | Layer:           training 
  | Mapset:          user1 
  | Location:        imagery60 
  | Database:        /home/mlennert/GRASS/DATA 
  | Title: 
  | Map scale:       1:1 
  | Map format:      native 
  | Name of creator: mlennert 
  | Organization: 
  | Source date:     Thu Nov 22 16:22:31 2007 
  |   Type of Map:  vector (level: 2) 
  |   Number of points:       0               Number of areas:      14 
  |   Number of lines:        0               Number of islands:    14 
  |   Number of boundaries:   14              Number of faces:      0 
  |   Number of centroids:    14              Number of kernels:    0 
  |   Map is 3D:              0 
  |   Number of dblinks:      1 
  |         Projection: Projection inconnue 
  |               N:    -1178.27114746    S:    -2050.34100516 
  |               E:     1841.24981384    W:      780.66696671 
  |   Digitization threshold: 0 
  |   Comments: 

> Did
> you use v.digit or v.in.ascii to
> create the layer? I used the latter
> when I was working with it.

I used v.digit.


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