[GRASS-user] configure no longer finds opengl

Brad Douglas rez at touchofmadness.com
Sun Oct 7 15:09:12 EDT 2007

On Sun, 2007-10-07 at 09:58 -0500, Seb wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been successfully building cvs grass for a few months in a AMD64
> Debian unstable system.  However, I now run into a configure error, even
> though my *dev packages haven't changed.  The particular error is:
> ,-----[ tail /usr/local/src/grass-cvs/config_log.txt ]
> | checking whether to use OpenGL... yes
> | checking for location of OpenGL includes... /usr/include/GL
> | checking for GL/gl.h... yes
> | checking for GL/glu.h... yes
> | checking for location of OpenGL library... /usr/lib64
> | checking for glBegin in -lGL... no
> | checking for glBegin in -lGL... no
> | checking for glBegin in -lGL... no
> | checking for glBegin in -lGL... no
> | configure: error: *** Unable to locate OpenGL library.
> `-----
> and I've given --with-opengl-libs=/usr/lib and
> --with-opengl-includes=/usr/include/GL.  I can see /usr/lib/libGL.so.1,
> although there's also /usr/lib64/libGL.so.1, and they're both a symlink to
> /usr/lib/libGL.so.100.14.19.  Any help would be appreciated.

I gave you several suggestions last night in IRC, but you didn't seem to
follow up on them.

We really can't help you unless you post the relevant section of
config.log, detailing the error.  Otherwise, we're guessing as much as
you are.

AFAIK, there have been no changes relating to OGL in quite some time.

73, de Brad KB8UYR/6 <rez touchofmadness com>

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