[GRASS-user] Fixing the error: G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North

Rick Reeves reeves at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Oct 11 12:58:03 EDT 2007


I'm running GRASS 6.2 on Ubuntu Linux, supported by GDAL 1.4 utilities.
And I'm importing raster images in tif format (exported from ArcMap as TIF
files) using r.in.gdal, into a location created by manually entering the 
coordinates and projection parameters. The bounding lat/long coordinates
contain the boundaries of the image that I am importing. The 'override 
option is set.

When I press the Run button on the r.in.gdal dialog, the error occurs:

GRASS_INFO_WARNING(19479,1): G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North.

 From searching the lists for a solution, I dont see much that is of 
help, but there
are some hints that this might be a software version conflict of some type.

Does anyone have any insight or a fix for this error? I have also seen the
error when trying to create a new location using the a geo-referenced 
tif file.

Thanks for any assistance,
Rick Reeves
UC Santa Barbara
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