[GRASS-user] libgrass_gis.6.3.0.dll

Marco Pasetti marcopstt at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 04:41:08 EST 2008

Hi Christopher,

>I recently downloaded the Windows version of 6.3.0, to run under XP, and it 
>looks like it will be useful to me. But I keep seeing an error which says 
>that file
>libgrass_gis.6.3.0.dll cannot be found. This happens if I navigate to 
>C:\GRASS\bin and type, for example, g.version

to use GRASS you cannot just type the commands (executable files) from the 
directory where they are located. You need to start GRASS first (from DOS or 
MSYS command line. or using the TclTk or Python GUI).

>The dll exists all right. It is in C:\GRASS\lib so I'm struggling. Is there 
>a crucial environment variable that I need to reset?

Yes. All the needed variables are already set in the grass63.bat file that 
is called when you launch GRASS from the GRASS group menu or from the 
desktop icon.
Read the release notes on about launching WinGRASS: 



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