[GRASS-user] How to make a LOCATION corresponding to JGD2000 CS III

Masayuki Naruse pockel at nifty.ne.jp
Fri Dec 5 20:31:45 EST 2008


I want to create a LOCATION corresponding to JGD2000 CS III which 
is defined in epsg.

I tried to create it as following, 
coordinate system : Other Projection
projection name : tmerc
geodetic datum : custom
ellipsoid name : GRS80
Scale Factor : 0.9999
Central Parallel : 36N

But I could not input the next item "Central Meridian".
In epsg definition, the central meridian of JGD2000 CS III is 
"+lon_0=132.1666666666667", so an error message was appeared.  
The message is "132.1666666666667E is invalid for longitude".

Please let me know how to create that LOCATION.

Masayuki Naruse <pockel at nifty.ne.jp>

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