[GRASS-user] v.coordinate.sh - improve this script?

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 24 19:52:48 EST 2008

Gabriele N. wrote:

> I made a script (attached) for the definition of interactive text
> file (containing the coordinates input and output) to be loaded
> later in v.transform.

> - Proceed doing a zoom (if necessary) on the first monitor (A map)
> and then identifying the input point (GCP) with one click.

be careful because d.zoom changes the region for the entire mapset.
probably better to use $WIND_OVERRIDE if you can.

> The script is certainly improved. For example viewing points included
> (example i.points,

the POINTS file created by i.points is a simple ascii file saved in the
$MAPSET/group/ dir. you can use standard unix command line tools to get
the coords to give d.graph for drawing.


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