[GRASS-user] differences between GDAL Grass built-in support and GDAL-Grass plugin

Paul Kelly paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk
Wed Jul 9 07:04:33 EDT 2008

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008, Benjamin Ducke wrote:

> Does that mean that circular dependency has finally been dropped?
> Unless one really needs r.out.gdal.sh?

Well, you might want GDAL to be able to read GRASS datasets outside GRASS 
for other purposes - this was possible long before r.out.gdal.sh came into 
being and is the primary purpose of the GRASS support in GDAL as far as I 
understand it.

But as Martin said speaking from a GRASS point of view, GRASS does not 
need GDAL to be compiled with GRASS support or to have a GDAL-GRASS plugin 


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