[GRASS-user] Grass/GMT problem

Dylan Beaudette dylan.beaudette at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 11:33:03 EDT 2008

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 5:26 AM, Roger Mason <rmason at esd.mun.ca> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using the following to generate fake landscapes to be contoured in
> GMT:
>    r.surf.fractal out="landscape"
>    r.rescale input="landscape" output="rescaled" to=0.0,30.1 --o
>    r.neighbors input="rescaled" output="smoothed" size=25 --o
>    r.out.bin -h input=smoothed output=gmt.grd --o
> I set up gmt as follows:
>  psbasemap -JX10 -R0/100/0/100 -P -B -K -U"Contour Map" > map.ps
> and invoke gmt's contour command thus:
>    grdcontour gmt.grd=bf -D -M -J -C5 -A5 -Gd3c -Wa2ta -O -K >> map.ps

What happens if you make the map with grdimage? How does it compare to
the original raster in GRASS?



> The problem is that the produced "map" consists of very small, closed
> loops that bear no resemblance to the landscape.  You may ask how I
> know what the landscape should look like.  If I export the raster as
> integer values, and import into into GMT using 'grdcontour gmt.grd=bf'
> then everything is fine.  I have tried r.out.gdal with the GMT and
> netCDF types but the resulting files could not be read by grdcontour.
> At the moment I don't know how to determine whether it is Grass, GMT
> or my ineptitude that is the problem.
> Thanks for any help.
> Roger
> Grass 6.3.0
> GMT 4.1.1
> Gentoo Linux
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