[GRASS-user] How to feed input to grass62 -text?

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Wed Jul 23 07:03:10 EDT 2008

Nithi, Nachi K \(Karun\) wrote:

> >	Q1. I want to create a location and a mapset via a shell script.
> I can create it by invoking 
> > grass in a text mode (or gui interface mode) and then stepping through
> several screeens (location ,
> > mapset input in the 1st screen, projection in the next screen,
> bounding box for the region in the 
> > 3rd screen and so on). I am wondering whether it is possible to do all
> in a script by invoking a 
> > set of commands. If so what should be the sequence of commands.
> I am thankful for Glynn Clements and Nikos Alexandris for their input.
> Now I have a slightly different version of the question Q1. 
>   If I invoke in text mode as 'grass62 -text' inside a shell script and
> want to feed all input information from that script, will it work? I
> tried the following script but it does n't work.

You can't script the curses startup screen.

If you want to start GRASS non-interactively, you need to specify the
full path to the mapset directory as an argument to the grass62

If you want to create a new mapset, start GRASS in some existing
mapset, create a new mapset with e.g. "g.proj -c", then switch to the
new mapset with g.mapset.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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