[GRASS-user] Re: Ongoing r.in.wms issue

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 5 23:01:48 EST 2008

Richard Chirgwin wrote:
> here is all the debug information that popped out:
> D1/1: -n
> Everything else is as you have seen before...
> /Applications/Grass-6.3.app/Contents/MacOS/etc/r.in.wms/wms.download:
> line 118: eval: -n: invalid option
> eval: usage: eval [arg ...]
> (etc)

I found it- non-portable use of 'echo -n' in wms.request, line 223:

223 	  #reset the requestfile
224 	  echo -n "" > "${REQUESTFILE}"

can you try just removing the -n on that line?

that will result in an extra blank line at the top of the request file
(wms/downoad/*.curl), but I am pretty sure that won't make any
difference as the $CONTENTS for loop in wms.download will filter out
any extra whitespace.


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