[GRASS-user] first littel experience with wxpython GUI

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 06:24:11 EDT 2008


2008/3/18, Dr. Manuel Seeger <seeger at uni-trier.de>:
>  wxpython shows all mapsets present, but then crashes when I try to

by default it shows mapsets in the search path ('g.mapsets -p'). You
can modify search patch using g.mapsets or from 'Config->GRASS working
environment->Mapset access').

>  access those which were created by another user. I did not see any
>  information about the owner of the mapset.

I will add information about owner/group to the 'Mapsets access' dialog.


>  This is annoying when you have several users working on a location.
>  I have myself at least 3 users: one working from my computer on the data
>  at the server, and at least 2 users of the serve via remote access.
>  I think we'll need there the sam filter as in the gis.m start panel.
>  I had this on both machines running ubuntu 7.10 and the newest GRASS
>  6.3.cvs. The server (where students access with remote access to
>  desktop) is a 64 bit machine.
>  Thanks!
>  Manuel
>  --
>  _______________________________________________________________________
>  Dr. Manuel Seeger
>  Wiss. Assistent                         Scientific Assistant
>  Physische Geographie                    Dpt. of Physical Geography
>  FB VI - Geographie/Geowissenschaften    Geography/Geosciences
>  Universität Trier                       University of Trier
>  D - 54286 Trier
>  Tel.:   +49-651-201 4557
>  Fax:    +49-651-201 3976
>  Web:    http://www-neu.uni-trier.de/index.php?id=9607
>  _______________________________________________
>  grass-user mailing list
>  grass-user at lists.osgeo.org
>  http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-user

Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *

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