[GRASS-user] r.in.xyz

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 19 02:18:14 EDT 2008

> If you have a "sparse" set of points, import them as a vector map then
> use v.surf.rst. I'm not sure if r.fillnulls[1] handles sparse maps
> (islands of individual cells), or whether it's limited to filling
> small "holes" in mostly-filled maps.
> [1] r.fillnulls is a script which uses v.surf.rst for the
> interpolation.

r.fillnulls is intended to to fill small "holes" in mostly-filled maps.
It creates points from a few cell buffer around each hole then
interpolates across the gap.

The r.in.xyz help page has some tips on making a surface from input
points. For less than a million or three input points v.in.ascii +
v.surf.rst is probably the better way, unless you want to use r.in.xyz as
a statistical noise filter.

r.surf.* modules could work too, to various levels of worseness versus
what v.surf.rst can do.


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