[GRASS-user] GRASS on cluster

Jose Miguel Martins Delgado jdelgado at gfz-potsdam.de
Tue Nov 4 10:14:01 EST 2008

Dear all,

The following happens when trying to create a new location on GRASS 
running on a cluster.

1. I access to the server and when I try to create a location with lat 
long, GRASS never asks me about the datum and ellipsoid as it normally 
does in my station GRASS.

2. After creating the location it says "But the PROJECTION information 
files were not created! You must run g.setproj successfully before 
projection software will work".

3. When I press crtl-C to exit the location creation menu, it says that 
I exited abnormally. Howeverm this is exactly what I do successfully in 
my station version.

4. I  never have the chance to run g.setproj because when I try to 
access my location, GRASS does not launch and returns an error: "Error 
setting region (Problem with g.region?): child process exited abnormally)"

5. A way of dealing with this is to start GRASS directly on a dummy 
location, like spearfish60. Then changing the location with g.proj -c. 
The problem is that, again, GRASS replies:

GRASS 6.3.0 > g.proj -c epsg=4326 location=LatLong
g.proj: error while loading shared libraries: libproj.so.0: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory

6. At this point I have no clue. Thanks for your help!
Jose Miguel

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