[GRASS-user] smoothing contours

Alberto Pettazzi alberto.pettazzi at meteogalicia.es
Wed Oct 1 02:24:33 EDT 2008

Dear All,

I have a pressure field and I want to plot contour lines. I did it by 
the command r.contour, but I would like to have smoother contour lines 
(see attached file). Any suggestion?

Another question: how can I write the corresponding pressure values near 
the contour lines?

Thanks everybody,

Alberto Pettazzi

MeteoGalicia - Departamento de Climatología y Observación

Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible

Área Central, Local: L-31-C. Polígono de Fontiñas

15703 Santiago de Compostela. A Coruña

Teléfono: +34-981-957463

e-mail: alberto.pettazzi at meteogalicia.es 
<mailto:alberto.pettazzi at meteogalicia.es>

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