[GRASS-user] Streams under r.watershed

Kurt Springs ferret_bard at mac.com
Mon Oct 13 09:54:50 EDT 2008

Hi folks,

This isn't so much a "how to" but a "what does it mean" question.

I have generated some watershed maps some time ago.  I intend to do it  
again from my PhD project.  I was hoping someone could explain what  
the various maps generated mean.  The Streams maps especially seem to  
be trying to tell me something as do the Basins.  I tried generating a  
legend for streams but I don't know what the numbers mean and the  
colors seem to be repeating themselves.  If someone would mind  
explaining what it is I am looking at, it could greatly facilitate my  

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this.


Kurt D. Springs

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