[GRASS-user] delete features with v.edit

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue Oct 14 08:43:39 EDT 2008

On 14/10/08 14:36, christian Brandt wrote:
> Dear list,
> I try to delete features from a vector theme using v.edit.
> After specifying the attribute column to choose with v.db.connect 

This sentence is not clear: v.db.connect allows you to connect a map to 
a table indicating the column of the table which contains the category 
values of the vector features you are linking to. You cannot "specify a 
column to chose".

> I was entering the following:
> v.edit map=geb_emiss_KP at PERMANENT tool=catdel ids=Geb053362 
> There comes the message within the the output of v.edit:
> Tool catdel requires option cats

Two issues:

- tool=catdel deletes only the category value, not the feature itself, 
if you want to do the latter, use tool=delete

- ids= is not what you want to use (you have to know the internal ids of 
vector features), but rather where=, so something like this:

v.edit map=geb_emiss_KP at PERMANENT tool=delete 

where SelectColumn is the column which contains your selection criteria.


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