[GRASS-user] How to install Grass into Ubuntu

Jhon Ortiz eljhonjhon at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 20 04:10:32 EDT 2008

  RE: [GRASS-user] How to install Grass into Ubuntu

> > sudo apt-get install grass
> The offical Ubuntu repositories are a bit outdated. A more updated
> repo is the one from Jachym: http://www.les-ejk.cz/ubuntu/
> The Gutsy one has Grass 6.3.0, updated to May 2008.

Im working with Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy and in this repositories
not is available the version 6.3.0, the laster version in this 
repositories is 6.2.2  (http://www.les-ejk.cz/ubuntu/).
The people who working in Ubuntu and want to work with
other version have to compile it. It's not a so hard task.

> If you want newer versions... you need to compile it. It's not a so
> hard task, and we can give advices.
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