[GRASS-user] d.out.file now does GeoTIFFs

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Oct 29 05:09:33 EDT 2008

On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 09:51 +0100, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 21:23 +1300, Hamish wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I just added support for GeoTIFF export from d.out.file in 6.4svn.
> > 
> > Resolution is not as good as if you use r.out.gdal or r.out.tiff, but
> > it lets you export a map with multiple raster and vector overlays,
> > decorations, grid lines, etc. that you compose in the xmon.
> > 
> > e.g. for use as a backdrop in some navigation software.
> >  (overlay bathymetry DEM of river channel over an orthophoto)
> > 
> > 
> > slight contributing motivation:
> > I am not sure of a good way to merge raster maps with different color
> > tables (imagery data). In the past I have tried 'r.mapcalc r# g# b#'
> > operators+r.patch, d.out.png+r.in.gdal+r.region, neither was much fun.
> > I guess g.pnmcomp could help but I fear the added complexity of passing
> > the data through the display drivers will introduce noise. Perhaps
> > gdal_merge.py?  (see r.in.wms mess WRT merging paletted GIF images)
> > 
> > 
> > please test,
> > Hamish
> Can I test it without installing it? I don't want to re-configure all
> possible add-onds I have currently installed.
> I mean
> #update
> svn up
> #clean previous configuration
> sudo make distclean
> #re-connfigure
> ./configure # with whatever of options
> #make
> make
> and then run it directly from within the configured source (?)
> Thanks, Nikos

so I did.

It works great. I did load 2 raster maps, 2 vector (boundaries) maps and
a north arrow. Exported as geotiff and opened in OpenEV. The image is
georeferenced (working with epsg 2100 in my case).

Thanks, Nikos

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