[GRASS-user] Problem with executing some type od queries (with regular expresion parser)

Jarek Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Thu Oct 30 12:46:39 EDT 2008

As you wish:

D3/3: db_select_int()
D3/3:   SQL: SELECT cat FROM streams_coor WHERE link::text IN(SELECT 
regexp_split_to_table((SELECT branch FROM links WHERE keyid='168'), E'\\.'))
D3/3: Escaped SQL: SELECT cat FROM streams_coor WHERE link::text 
IN(SELECT regexp_split_to_table((SELECT branch FROM links WHERE 
keyid='168'), E'\\\\.'))
D3/3: describe_table()

As we see, there is a problem with escape \ backslash
grass (I don't know gis.m or  db_select_int()) adds backslash before.
In pgAdmin I must add escape character manually as in example in post 

In gis.m this command should look like:

link::text IN(
    SELECT regexp_split_to_table((
        SELECT branch FROM links WHERE keyid='168'), E'\.'))

And everythik is OK. Porblem solved.

thank you very much for your hint. It was very helpful.


Maris Nartiss pisze:
> Hello Jarek,
> please re-run Your gis.m with DEBUG=3
> g.gisenv set=DEBUG=3
> then redraw map and look into output pane for line:
> D3/3: db_select_int()
> D3/3:   SQL: SELECT cat FROM ...
> and post result here.
> Ignore other error messages, that will popup.
> Maris.
> 2008/10/29, Jarek Jasiewicz <jarekj at amu.edu.pl>:
>> Hi
>> Well, I thing I expect too much, but for now grass has been suprising me
>> (positively) on cooperation GRASS - POstgreSQL
>> I have a query which works well in PgAdmin:
>> SELECT cat FROM streams_coor WHERE link::text IN(
>>    SELECT regexp_split_to_table(
>>         (SELECT branch FROM links WHERE keyid='168'), E'\\.'))
>> the branch looks like this:
>> ""
>> and result are:
>> 148
>> 150
>> 161
>> 168
>> 157
>> If I try to use this query in gis.m "use sql query" field with proper
>> SQL syntax"
>> link::text IN(
>>     SELECT regexp_split_to_table((
>>         SELECT branch FROM links WHERE keyid='168'), E'\\.'))
>> do not receive any error but also any result
>> so where is problem?
>> As far as I know GRASS simply send query to database and recive list of
>> cats as a result, so there could be the problem with parsing quotemarks
>> and escape marks in regular expresion?
>> regards
>> Jarek
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