Failure on Re: [GRASS-user] Help: Converting a raster map between locations (from wgs84 lat / long to UTM)

Glynn Clements glynn at
Thu Oct 30 17:22:43 EDT 2008

Corrado wrote:

> I have tried everything I could. I read the GRASS books chapters and the 
> documentation. It does not work.
> The problem is that the files I have are in WGS84 unprojected. See here:
> Whichever procedure I use, whther Daniel's or the book (for example: page 47), 
> the problem is always the same.
> I create a location + mapset + map with the worldclim data (location01). I 
> load the original data, and I call the raster map "precipitation". I generate 
> the correct box with v.region and I call it "test". I create a new location + 
> mapset (utm + osgb), called location02. I run v.proj in location B pointing 
> at map "test" 
> v.proj input=test location=location01 mapset=PERMANENT
> I have the same problem: 
> PROJ_INFO file not found for location location01
> But of course the projection is not defined, the data are unprojected!

In this context, "lat/lon" is considered a projection. "unprojected"
or "X/Y" means that the coordinate system is entirely arbitrary (e.g. 
pixel coordinates in an aerial photograph).

> I am slowly getting desperate .... I have been working on it several days and 
> cannot get a sensible result. I have tried with different datum 
> transformation parameters for osgb36 and trying to project .... but the 
> results are very unreliable ....
> Do you know what should I do?

Use g.proj or g.setproj to set the projection information for
location01, choosing lat/lon WGS84.

Glynn Clements <glynn at>

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