[GRASS-user] Clipping shapefiles

Matthew Huck matthew.huck at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 18:40:39 EDT 2008

Unfortunately when I do that [use spatial, and use type=are]  it's  
very fast, but all I end up with is a box (no contour lines).

My steps at the moment are:
v.in.ogr contour.shp out=S28 spatial=2690000,5950000,2730000,5980000
g.region vect=NZMG_bounds_s28
v.in.region output=cutter type=area --overwrite

v.overlay ainput=S28 atype=area binput=cutter output=S28_Clipped  
    ->This makes a blank square

v.overlay ainput=S28 atype=line binput=cutter output=S28_Clipped  
   ->Takes ages, but looks more promising (prints things like  
"Breaking lines...", just too slow.

Thanks in advance.


On 13/09/2008, at 8:27 AM, Hamish wrote:

>>> g.region vect=NZMG_s27
>>> v.in.region output=cutter type=line --overwrite
>>> v.overlay ainput=wellington_contours atype=line \
>>>   binput=cutter output=clipped operator=and
> and I think you'll want v.in.region to use type=area, not line,  
> otherwise
> you risk only to get contour lines which cross the boundary and not  
> those
> that fall within it.
> Hamish

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