[GRASS-user] Re: Patched version of libjpeg-6b for 32-bit and 64-bit architectures

Elvis Dowson elvis.dowson at mac.com
Tue Sep 30 17:44:43 EDT 2008

Hi Sean,
                   I didn't check the internal version that vtk uses.  
The thing is, you need an external version of libjpeg when compiling  
for grass-6.4.0.

libjpeg-6b was released in 1998! I also came across many references to  
problems others have faced when attempting to compile it for 64-bits.  
On the first go, I too had problems. Since I had to do some major  
learning and get things working in atleast 32-bits, I put it off for a  
while. Now that I have a 32-bit environment working, I thought Id try  
to fix some of the outstanding issues, libjpeg 64-bits being one of  
them! :-)

Here is the link to the website:  Independent JPEG Group

I also came across a set of patches in another website, and then  
applied it and somehow got it to work.

So I thought I'd share it with the group!

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson

On Oct 1, 2008, at 1:35 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

> On 10/1/08 12:58 AM, Elvis Dowson said:
>> One of the things that took a long time to fix was libjpeg-6b
>> support for 64-bit.
> No doubt the version of libjpeg that VTK includes in years old (as is
> the case for much of VTK's 3rd party source).  Did you check which
> version VTK uses?  Who maintains libjpeg-6b?  Maybe their newest  
> version
> is 64bit clean?
> --
> ____________________________________________________________
> Sean McBride, B. Eng                 sean at rogue-research.com
> Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com
> Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada

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