[GRASS-user] v.dissolve and r.cost problems

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Wed Apr 1 13:31:04 EDT 2009

Colin Nielsen ha scritto:

> However, if you're getting into the hours, I would think it's more
> likely that your region settings changed. Check "g.region -p" to be
> sure.

Even if I bring resolution down to a ridiculous amount, it still takes

GRASS > g.region -p
projection: 99 (Transverse Mercator)
zone:       0
datum:      rome40
ellipsoid:  international
north:      4833555.85595178
south:      4804093.9108328
west:       1651001.9360271
east:       1688830.00910873
nsres:      1015.92914203
ewres:      995.47560741
rows:       29
cols:       38
cells:      1102

I tested it on a fractal surface, as you suggested.
Is r.cost working for somebody?
All the best, and thanks.
Paolo Cavallini: http://faunalia.it/pc

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