[GRASS-user] grass coide gisRc

apachemaven apachemaven at yeah.net
Thu Apr 2 03:07:58 EDT 2009

I find some java code to call the grass commond,i am confusing with some parmeters:
  * Define all environment variables needed by Grass
  * @param gisBase
  *            Directory where GRASS lives.
  * @param gisRcreate
  *            Define if an existing GISRC file as to be used.
  * @param gisRc
  *            Name of .grassrc6 file. GISRCRC defines the system wide value
  *            while in a GRASS session.
  * @param mapset
  *            Initial mapset directory which is a subdirectory of
  *            LOCATION_NAME
  * @param location
  *            Initial location directory which is a subdirectory of GISDBASE
  * @param gisDBase
  *            Initial database directory which should be a fully qualified
  *            path (eg /usr/local/share/grassdata).
  * @param proj
  *            Projection code.
 public void setEnv(String gisBase, String gisRcreate, String gisRc,
   String mapset, String location, String gisDBase, String proj)
what is the difference between gisRcreate and the gisRc
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