[GRASS-user] netCDF import via r.in.gdal

Luigi Ponti lponti at infinito.it
Fri Apr 10 19:14:19 EDT 2009

Dear Markus,

On 10/04/2009 18.13, Markus Neteler wrote:
> Hi Luigi,
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Luigi Ponti <lponti at infinito.it> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I don't seem to be able to import netCDF via r.in.gdal in grass-6.4.0RC3
>> osgeo4w version running on XP sp3.
>> GRASS 6.4.0RC3 (UTM32):C:\ >r.in.gdal input=SRF_1958.AVG.NC
>> output=SRF_1958.AVG location=ERA40_SRF
>> Warning 1: No UNIDATA NC_GLOBAL:Conventions attribute
>> Location <ERA40_SRF> created
>> ERROR: Selected band (1) does not exist
>> Is this something that I should be able to manage to do? GRASS complains
>> about bands -- the file includes georeferenced daily climate variables. The
>> file opens OK in viewers such as Panoply
>> <http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/panoply/>. Is there anything I am missing?
> The netCDF support depends on GDAL (not on GRASS). I had limited
> success so far.. Is the map in question available?

The map is 500+ MB and resides on the local server of a national lab in 
Italy, so it is not available to public. It is from a set of netCDFs 
including daily weather data for the Mediterranean Basin that I need to 
put in text files after having removed grid points in the sea -- that is 
why I needed GRASS: to find a way to mask the dataset for data on the 
water that are not of interest, so as to have only data referring to 
land. Each element of the netCDF array is already coded using rows and 
columns of the grid, so I wanted GRASS to tell me which elements 
(referring to sea) to remove from the dataset and which to retain (those 
referring to land).

> Here are a series of issues listed:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/NetCDF

Thanks for this: I had seen some of the posts by googling around but 
didn't know about this page that collects all NetCDF-related gdal issues.

> Perhaps it is worthwhile to report the problem in the appropriate ticket
> if reproducible.

I am not sure it can be easily reproduced, but please suggest a way if 
you see one.



> Markus

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