[GRASS-user] Transparent-background elevation shadings

Micha Silver micha at arava.co.il
Mon Aug 17 01:59:02 EDT 2009

Felix Schalck wrote:
> Hi,
> Aside my previous - more complete - mail, here is one quick question:
> Is it possible to create an alpha-to-black color table in GRASS, which
> could than be assigned to an elevation shadings (created via
> r.relief.shaded) layer in order to get a transparent background on
> elevation layers ?
Can't you get what you want by creating a MASK where you want the shaded 
relief to be transparent, then with r.mapcalc make a new shaded relief 
map which will have null values where the original is MASKed out.
> Thank you for your time,
> Felix
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