[GRASS-user] Hortonian analysis - current status

Jarek Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Thu Aug 27 07:46:53 EDT 2009

Dear grass users!

I present next version of tools for hortonian analysis. Source code and 
tutorial are available here:


Currently following modules are available:
- r.stream.order: to calculate Strahler, Horton, Shreve and main stream 
(Hack) ordering. That module is almost ready to use
- r.stream.basins: calculate basins according users input. Read more on 
web page
- r.stream.distance: calculate downslope distance path and elevation 
above to streams/outlets. That module is in early development stage, but 
works, and results seems good. But it may will change in the feature.
-r.streams.stats: calculate hortonian statistics is not avilable: maybe 
in next few days.

All three modules works fine on small dems (up to 20 millions cells). 
Only on powerful machines with at least 2-4GB RAM they handle avarage 
dems (up to 120 M cells). I have no information about largers dems (over 
100M cells because I haven't so).

Till I finish my work modules are available only from my web page. After 
I will absolutely sure that everything is OK, add vector capabilities 
and solve problems with massive dems (for LIDAR puropse) I will try to 
add them to GRASS add-ons.

best regards
Jarek Jasiewicz

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