[GRASS-user] problem setting region in 6.4 rc3

Nick Cahill ndcahill at wisc.edu
Tue Feb 3 09:40:54 EST 2009


Further on this. I tried creating a new location and mapset to see if  
there were differences in the projection parameters or if something  
was screwy. On startup, it gives an error I hadn't noticed before,

Warning: TclTk Aqua 8.4 unsupported

Here's the output:

'/Applications/GRASS-6.4.app/Contents/MacOS/grass.sh'; exit
Last login: Tue Feb  3 08:11:27 on console
Nicks-Macbook:~ nick$ '/Applications/GRASS-6.4.app/Contents/MacOS/ 
grass.sh'; exit
Rebuilding Addon HTML manual pages index...
Rebuilding Addon menu...
Warning: TclTk Aqua 8.4 unsupported
Cleaning up temporary files ...
Starting GRASS ...

-- here I created the new location and mapset, UTM Zone 35, entering  
the parameters by hand. After apparently successfullly creating the  
new mapset, GRASS failed with 

TkMacOSXDoHLEvent failed : cppe 1                   ,kHighLevelEvent   
61657674 0000 tvea,-1708

and the Wish Shell hung, unresponsive. Killed the process, and  
restarted grass in the newly-created location and mapset; ran g.region  
-p, and got the same error:

region for current mapset <projection field missing>
run "g.region"

Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong, or what I could do to  

Many thanks,

Nick Cahill

On Feb 1, 2009, at 11:02 PM, Nick Cahill wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using William Kyngesburye's OSX binaries of Grass 6.4 rc3, and  
> find it doesn't work with my existing mapsets. On displaying a  
> vector map, it gives an error "Error setting region: child process  
> exited abnormally." If I set or display the region with g.region or  
> g.region -p, I get the error "region for current mapset <projection  
> field missing> xx run "g.region" The mapset is UTM zone 35, and  
> works fine in 6.3. I installed the newest GDAL framework (1.6.0-5).  
> I had thought the projection information was in one or more of the  
> files in the mapset PROJ_INFO, etc., which are (for one typical  
> mapset):
> proj:       1
> zone:       35
> north:      1
> south:      0
> east:       1
> west:       0
> cols:       1
> rows:       1
> e-w resol:  1
> n-s resol:  1
> top:        1
> bottom:     0
> cols3:      1
> rows3:      1
> depths:     1
> e-w resol3: 1
> n-s resol3: 1
> t-b resol:  1
> name: UTM
> datum: wgs84
> towgs84: 0.000,0.000,0.000
> proj: utm
> ellps: wgs84
> a: 6378137.0000000000
> es: 0.0066943800
> f: 298.2572235630
> zone: 35
> unit: meter
> units: meters
> meters: 1.0
> proj:       1
> zone:       35
> north:      44865376.2790889
> south:      4026393.07584904
> east:       12546112.5351774
> west:       -1477754.5340503
> cols:       184585
> rows:       442103
> e-w resol:  75.97511753
> n-s resol:  92.37436345
> top:        1759.33
> bottom:     0
> cols3:      184585
> rows3:      442103
> depths:     1759
> e-w resol3: 75.97511753
> n-s resol3: 92.37436345
> t-b resol:  1.00018487'
> I'm not sure why the default window sets it to one row and one  
> column, but it works OK in 6.3. Any idea what's wrong here?
> Many thanks,
> Nick Cahill
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