[GRASS-user] library problem with i.landsat.toar

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 18 19:01:29 EST 2009

Christine Sandmeier wrote:
> I wanted to install the i.landsat.toar - addon, following
> the instruction in the README-file (make
> MODULE_TOPDIR=$HOME/grass64/), 
> I also made "./configure" before and also

was grass already built, or are you adding to a packaged binary version?

> "make lib", which says "Nothing to do for
> target »lib«"!

that should be "make libs" not "make lib"

> but when I try to start the i.landsat.toar addon, it says
> "Incompatible library version for module".
> I recompiled grass, but this didn't help.

you might have to remove any other version of grass to keep it from
getting confused (generally this isn't needed, but may help if the
local system has gotten mixed up).

another way if you fully build grass from source is to copy the
i.landsat.toar/ directory into the imagery/ dir in the main grass source
code, and after grass has built cd imagery/i.landsat.toar/ and run "make"
with no arguments.



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