[GRASS-user] Re: Error 3 and messages r.in.gdal

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Thu Jul 9 10:07:09 EDT 2009

stephen sefick wrote:

> Also r.patch returns what looks like a green to yellow blob of the
> correct looking region, but without the resolution of the original
> elevation maps (projected separately).  I am sure that I am missing
> something rather easy.  Sorry for the repeated questions-  this is how
> I learned R and I hope you folks will tolerate me whle I learn GRASS.
> thanks


if you haven't done so already, it sure is useful to start from the
manuals [1]. The "Raster data processing in GRASS GIS" section in the
manual [2] should make several raster-aspects clear.

As far as it concerns the "resolution": most of grass' modules will
operate on the "current" defined (geographic) extent and resolution
which you can check/set with g.region.

Kind regards, Nikos

[1] http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/html64_user/index.html
[2] http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/html64_user/rasterintro.html

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