[GRASS-user] Re: Problem with wxGUI.Nviz extension andwxGUI.Vector_Digitizing_Tool

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 08:49:49 EDT 2009


2009/7/11 Tomas Zigo <tomas.zigo at slovanet.sk>:
>> note that you can create a new vector map also using v.edit or v.in.ascii, e.g.
>> v.edit map=Skuska1 tool=create
> I am using create new vector map with v.digit for this test (It's wrong way?)

No, it's was just a small note. At least in GRASS7 there is no v.digit.

> but table created with v.db.addtable for this vector map (problem with editing I
> had  also with editing [add, drop, rename column] exist vector map for example
> contour derived from dmt with r.contour), but when I am using v.edit to create
> new vector map and create table and I am trying add column is working now
> (working add, drop, rename column from wxpython ATM, cli also), but I am
> updating my system before.
> It is different to creating vector map with v.digit and v.edit for this tests. .

No, it should be the same.

>> Assuming, that 'Polana_a_okolie_1k10000_5m' is your current mapset. It
>> works for me (6.4.0svn, GNU/Linux).
> Yes 'Polana_a_okolie_1k10000_5m' is my current mapset.
> But now is vector editing work good (updating my system Archlinux on both
> computer i686, x86-64), or this problem related with I am using v.digit to
> create new vector map instead of v.edit?

I don't think so.


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa

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