[GRASS-user] Re: Building topologically correct stream network

Margherita Di Leo diregola at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 11:54:23 EDT 2009

Hi Stephen,
I actually am fighting against almost the same problem, so let's do it 
together :)
I found that r.strahler.sh works well to delineate streams and correct 
topology, (I use a treshold of 1km^2, it works well but don't ask me why 
:) ), but (in my little experience) does not work to order streams, so I 
must run v.strahler after r.strahler.sh.
I know it's a very small hint but hope this helps.


I have a low relief area in the costal plain of georgia that I am trying 
to produce a topologically correct stream network. There are many breaks 
in the flow accumulation grid and I would like to delineate the streams 
and "correct" the topology after r.thin and r.to.vect have been 
preformed so that I can then use v.strahler to order the streams. Thanks 
for any help and I will provide and data that would be helpful. thanks,

-- Stephen Sefick Let's not spend our time and resources thinking about 
things that are so little or so large that all they really do for us is 
puff us up and make us feel like gods. We are mammals, and have not 
exhausted the annoying little problems of being mammals. -K. Mullis

Eng. Margherita Di Leo
Ph.D. Student 
Methods and Technologies for Environmental Monitoring
Department of Environmental Engineering and Physics (DIFA)

University of Basilicata 
Campus Macchia Romana
85100 - Potenza 

Office: +39-0971205363
Fax: +39-0971205160
E-mail: dileomargherita AT gmail DOT com
Skype: dileomargherita
URL: http://www.difa.unibas.it/A_Manager_PP.do?azione=visualizzaHomePage&id=106

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