[GRASS-user] DB Driver

achim ak7 at jupiter.uni-freiburg.de
Thu Mar 12 05:40:15 EDT 2009

Hi all,

its confusing me:

Making a new table seems to work, but I got an error and looking at the
table does not work as well. I get the message:
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer 1:

DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Unable to open database: unable to open database file
Unable to open database </home/achim/grass/globe2/achim/sqlite/> by
driver <sqlite>

The same is with DB driver. When I make a new table in the DB I get:

Using user specified table name: AOI_nontant

Creating new DB connection based on default mapset settings...

Creating table with columns (cat integer)

The table <AOI_nontant> is now part of vector map <AOI_nontant at achim>
and may be deleted or overwritten by GRASS modules

DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Unable to open database: unable to open database file
Unable to open database </home/achim/grass/globe2/achim/sqlite/> by
driver <sqlite>
Unable to open database <$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/> by
driver <sqlite>

Reading features...

DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Unable to open database </home/achim/grass/globe2/achim/sqlite/> by
driver <sqlite>

Current attribute table links:

Unable to open database: unable to open database file
Unable to open database </home/achim/grass/globe2/achim/sqlite/> by
driver <sqlite>

Vector map <AOI_nontant at achim> is connected by:
layer <1> table <AOI_nontant> in database
</home/achim/grass/globe2/achim/sqlite/> through driver <sqlite> with
key <cat>

Whats wrong?


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