[GRASS-user] DB Driver

Markus Metz markus.metz.giswork at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 12 11:33:29 EDT 2009

achim wrote:
> DB-Driver's eating my nerves.
> Im running grass6.4 on 64bit opensuse11.1
> Has anybody had and maybe fixed a problem concerning database
> driver-errors? I can hardly go on working with errors like this:
> """"
> Removing vector <AOI at achim>
> DBMI-SQLite driver error:
> Unable to open database: unable to open database file
> Unable to open database </home/achim/grass/globe2/achim/sqlite/> by
> driver <sqlite>
The sqlite driver needs a file not a directory as database. Are there 
any files in the directory /home/achim/grass/globe2/achim/sqlite/ ?
Maybe something went wrong with the default database connection. Print 
general DB connection for current mapset with db.connect -p. Test with 
db.test and db.tables -p. (Re-)Set DB connection for a vector map to an 
attribute table with v.db.connect.
See mapset sqlite in nc_spm_08 (the North Carolina sample dataset) for 
an example on how to set sqlite as default database driver for grass.

Hope that helps,

Markus M

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