[GRASS-user] create a workplace (location mapset etc)_

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 02:13:29 EDT 2009

you can make the raster (and vector) data accessable via UMN MapServer
directly, without any export need. UMN MapServer can read the data (via
gdal/ogr) and display the via WMS.

There is also another project, called pywms, which provides automatic
WMS Service based on GRASS Database. The Capabilities document for WMS
is created from GRASS Database on-the-fly, as well as maps.

So, only r.in.gdal would be need, r.out.gdal is actually no necessary.


[1] http://mapserver.org/
[2] http://pywms.wald.intevation.org

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 03:25:21PM +0800, apachemaven wrote:
> I want to handle some hdf data through a web service,and in the web service I handle the data by grass, so the problem comes out.The following is my setps:
> 1)translate the hdf4 to a  tif by a FWTools2.2.8 which call the gdal command actually)
>     for example I use the command "gdal_translate [the subset] d:\aa.tif" ,
> 2)import the tif 
>    "r.in.gdal input=D:/aaa6.tif output=ggg"
> 3)process the ggg data of grass format 
>    for example "r.buffer map=ggg distance=30 output=temp"
> 4)convert the temp to tif 
>    "r.out.gdal input=temp format=GTiff output=d:/dd.tif"
> Then in the web service I return the url of the dd.tif to client.
>    I want to know the above setps right or not?
> and in the step of 2 and 4 problems always come out..,a common problem is the data is blank even I reset the region use  "g.region rast=..."
> My god,I am crazying@@!
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Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky gmail com
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
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