[GRASS-user] identification of cats of vector areas within current region

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Sun May 24 08:07:54 EDT 2009

Hi list!

I extract specific areas (g.region vect=sample_map) from a(nother)

# display "source" map
d.vect source display=shape,cat lsize=12

# zoom in "sample_map" of interest
g.region vect=sample_2

## zoom to ensure seeing all of the features
# d.zoom, zoom-out/-in, d.redraw, etc.
# identify cats of interest in the source_map

## extract for "region zoomed-in sample_2" the features from source_map
v.extract source_map out=sample_2_From_source list=35,38 --o

My question is whether it is possible to automatically identify which
features (=areas) of a vector map lie within (read: even if their bigest
part is not within) the "current" region and extract them (as a whole,
not cut-off the part that is outside of the "region") or... not?!

Kindest regards, Nikos

Hopefully it's clear enough below:


R -> region == some sample
a, b, c -> features (areas) in the source map
|       |
| R    |==| |==|
| |==| |b | |c |
| |a | |==| |==|
| |==|  |


Identify the cats of a, b (NOT c) with *some* command without visually
inspecting their "cats"?


Directly extract a and b (NOT c) (with v.extract)?

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