[GRASS-user] v.label.sa out of memory on small vector map.

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Wed May 27 02:16:07 EDT 2009


Thanks for the report. I'll have to test it. So far I have not run into
anything like that. Very interesting indeed. Are the roads very long? Or
is there perhaps one very long road? When it generates label candidates
it will first create many and select the 32 "best" candidates. This
could make it grow quite a lot especially if the label is short compared
to the road. Another possibility would be a bug of some sort.


On 05/26/2009 11:44 PM, Tom Russo wrote:
> I have just started playing with v.label.sa in GRASS 6.5-svn (last updated
> yesterday).
> I had success in getting it to process one fairly large map of US Forest Service
> trail data, but had it run out of memory on a similar map from the same source
> of road data.  Even trying to run it on a very small subset (40 lines) of the
> road data in my area of interest gets an out-of-memory error as the size of
> v.label.sa grows to more than 1GB.
> Here's what I've done:
> Download "Current Trails Inventory" and "Current Roads Inventory" from
> http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/cibola/plan-revision/gis_data/data.shtml
> These are Zipped shapefile sets.  I imported into a NAD83, UTM zone 13
> region (EPSG:26913) using v.in.ogr without problem.  I imported Trail_Route.shp
> as "trails2008" and Road_Route.shp as usfs_roads2008.
> This works:
> v.label.sa map=trails2008 column=TRL_NO labels=trails2008 font=VeraSe
> It doesn't produce the lovliest of labels, but runs in small memory and in
> reasonable time.
> But this fails with a memory allocation error, after chewing a long time:
>  v.label.sa map=usfs_roads2008 column=RTE_NO labels=roads2008 font=Vera
> usfs_roads2008 contains 6203 lines, so I tried to restrict my consideration
> to the area I actually want to make a paper map of.
>> g.region -p
> projection: 1 (UTM)
> zone:       13
> datum:      nad83
> ellipsoid:  grs80
> north:      3883362.61697134
> south:      3877081.62443534
> west:       373147.02714574
> east:       380581.87668613
> nsres:      2.4382735
> ewres:      2.43845508
> rows:       2576
> cols:       3049
> cells:      7854224
>> v.in.region output=tmpreg
>> v.select ainput=usfs_roads2008 binput=tmpreg output=trnngroads operator=overlap
>> v.info trnngroads
>  +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>  | Layer:           trnngroads                                                |
>  | Mapset:          PERMANENT                                                 |
>  | Location:        NewMexico                                                 |
>  | Database:        /users/russo/GIS                                          |
>  | Title:                                                                     |
>  | Map scale:       1:1                                                       |
>  | Map format:      native                                                    |
>  | Name of creator: russo                                                     |
>  | Organization:                                                              |
>  | Source date:     Tue May 26 10:30:59 2009                                  |
>  |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>  |   Type of Map:  vector (level: 2)                                          |
>  |                                                                            |
>  |   Number of points:       0               Number of areas:      0          |
>  |   Number of lines:        40              Number of islands:    0          |
>  |   Number of boundaries:   0               Number of faces:      0          |
>  |   Number of centroids:    0               Number of kernels:    0          |
>  |                                                                            |
>  |   Map is 3D:              No                                               |
>  |   Number of dblinks:      1                                                |
>  |                                                                            |
>  |         Projection: x,y (zone 0)                                           |
>  |               N:       3940710.738    S:       3846467.585                 |
>  |               E:        678499.548    W:        132270.347                 |
>  |                                                                            |
>  |   Digitization threshold: 0                                                |
>  |   Comments:                                                                |
>  |                                                                            |
>  +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> But v.label.sa still gets a memory allocation error on this:
> Initialising labels... 100%
> Generating label candidates: ... 100%
>  51%
> At this point, "top" shows v.label.sa starting to grow tremendously, rapidly 
> getting to 200M, gradually growing to 1000M.
> This only happens with this particular data set.   What could make v.label.sa
> grow so much on a map with only 40 lines?


Wolf Bergenheim (wolf+grass at bergenheim.net)

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