[GRASS-user] i.in.spotvgt error

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Fri Oct 30 16:48:15 EDT 2009

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Alfredo Alessandrini
<alfreale74 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to import a spot-vegetation image by i.in.spotvgt, but I've an
> error. The map already esists...
> GRASS 6.4.0RC5 (WGS84_lat_long):~ > i.in.spotvgt --overwrite
> file=/home/alfredo/archivio/cartografia/satellite/spot_vegetation_Africa/V1KRNS10__19980411_NDVI__Africa/0001/0001_NDV.HDF
> rast=NDVI_map
> ERROR: <NDVI_map> already exists. Aborting.
> GRASS 6.4.0RC5 (WGS84_lat_long):~ > g.list rast
> ----------------------------------------------
> raster files available in mapset <ndvi_Africa>:
> ndvi_19980401   ndvi_19980821

If you can make the file available, I can give it a try to find the problem.


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