[GRASS-user] A problem with i.gensigset.

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Apr 6 11:33:52 EDT 2010

(sorry for re-sorting the message, just to keep it easy to follow-up)

joel dinis:
>         > I trying to classify remote sensing imagery, and
>         > I thought to try the i.smap module, but
>         > when I run the i.gensigset,

Nikos Alexandris:
>         Please, could you copy-paste the exact command you used?
>         Does the "maxsig=" (e.g. maxsig=20) make any difference?

joel dinis:

> In fact, I put maxsig=30.
> i.gensigset trainingmap=amostras group=grupo subgroup=subgrupo
> signaturefile=assinaturas maxsig=30

What about smaller maxsig's, like:

- maxsig=25
- maxsig=20
- maxsig=15



>         >  I always
>         > get the same problem:
>         > ...
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (9 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (8 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (7 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (6 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (5 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (4 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (3 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (2 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (1 remain)
>         > Unreliable clustering. Try a smaller initial number of
>         clusters
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (-1 remain)
>         > Unreliable clustering. Try a smaller initial number of
>         clusters
>         > Number of subclasses is 0
>         > Clustering class 12 (184 pixels)...
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (9 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (8 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (7 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (6 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (5 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (4 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (3 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (2 remain)
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (1 remain)
>         > Unreliable clustering. Try a smaller initial number of
>         clusters
>         > Removed a singular subsignature number 1 (-1 remain)
>         > Unreliable clustering. Try a smaller initial number of
>         clusters
>         > Number of subclasses is 0
>         > i.gensigset complete.
>         >
>         > And afterwards the signature file doesn't have any
>         > spectral information. I really don't understand whats
>         happening
>         > and the cause to this outcome.
>         >
>         > Can anyone solve this "enigma"?
>         >
>         > Ps: I don't know if this information is important: I
>         collected
>         > about 450 samples distributed by 10 classes. I may also
>         > add that the average number of pixels per sample is around
>         50.
>         >
>         > And thanks list, for the previous tips: they were very
>         useful.

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