[GRASS-user] r.in.wms / Wheregroup OSM WMS

"Peter Löwe" peter.loewe at gmx.de
Tue Apr 27 01:00:36 EDT 2010

> Peter wrote:
> > I`m trying to access a WMS service for european OSM data
> > (german link:
> http://www.wheregroup.com/de/freier_wms_mit_openstreetmap_daten)
> > in GRASS 6.4 with r.in.wms in an EXPSG4326 location
> > 
> > r.in.wms --o v=5 layers=Wald
> mapserver=http://osm.wheregroup.com/cgi-bin/osm_basic.xml
> > output=Wald


> I expect the wheregroup people are reading the OSM (vector) data from a
> WFS server, rendering it with Osmarender or Mapnik on-the-fly, then
> WMS'ing
> the rasterized result.
> and the problem is between them and their OSM vector source.

This has been confirmed: There are pecularities regarding the WMS. Thanks for the support, Hamish !
I guess r.in.wms would benefit from improved error checking in the future, as otherwise similar WMS-related postings might appear again and again on the list.


> ??,
> Hamish
> ps- for lots of Blue Marble you might as well download the large binary
> grids. ~ 1.4gb for the whole world.  or use r.in.onearth WMS frontend from
> wiki addons. look on the "Global datasets" page in the wiki. (currently
> stalled)

Dr. Peter Löwe
<peter.loewe at gmx.de>

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