[GRASS-user] I.class empty Xmonitor

Luisa Peña luisapena1979 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 07:46:18 EST 2010


You need to have "xterm" installed. Please check.
> Perhaps we need to add more error testing in the wxGUI?
I do have installed. I'm running in Ubuntu  and with xterm version 243.
Is it required other packages such as xtermcontrol or xtermset? Or more
packages? or in the ./configure to include something?

By the way, I decided to run it not from wxpython but from command line and
I got this:
(Thu Feb  4 12:45:01 2010)

i.class map=lsat7_2002_20 at PERMANENT
group=lsat7_2002 at PERMANENTsubgroup=lsa7_2002 outsig=out
(Thu Feb  4 12:45:01 2010) Command finished (0 sec)
And nothing happened. Am i suppose to open a monitor before or is it suppose
to open by itself?

Thank you

Best regards
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