[GRASS-user] r.to.vect Produces Too Many Areas

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Mon Feb 22 15:14:03 EST 2010

   I've done something incorrectly but cannot find what that is.

   Ran r.water.outlet and produced the output basin map. Then I applied
r.null to that map setting nulls to zeros. Next I applied r.to.vect to that
map (with the '-s' option) setting feature to area.

   When I look at the aspect map overlaid by the sub-basin map I see the 5
extraneous cells that should not be there. You can see them on the attached
screen shot.

   This did not happen the last time I used r.water.outlet, and the drainage
map does not suggest to me why these 5 cells are included.

   Help would be appreciated in learning what happened and how to get this
tail off the map.


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