[GRASS-user] Labels On Maps

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 2 18:56:07 EST 2010

Rich wrote:
> My problem is that the three project-related sits are close to
> each other and the labels overlap on the whole basin map.
>   What I see of the xref and yref controls is they apply to all
> labels. Is there a way to specify the position for each label
> relative> to the site itself? For example, if the two almost
> vertically aligned had labels to their left, and the third site
> (almost horizontal, and slightly below the second site) had its
> label to the right there would be no overlap.

you should use the v.label module if you want advanced placement control.
it is one case when you are encouraged to hack the x,y offsets in the
$MAPSET/paint/labels/ text file by hand. It goes well with unix power-
tools. Use d.labels + d.redraw while tweaking the labels file in a text
editor in another window.

for automatic overlap conflict-resolution you can try the v.label.sa



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