[GRASS-user] Global Multi Resolution Topography dataset

John C. Tull jctull at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 13:40:46 EST 2010

Hi John,

This is good to know about. Thanks for sharing.

My understanding of 1 arc-second resolution is that it is approximately 30m, not 90m.


On Mar 3, 2010, at 7:16 AM, John A Stevenson wrote:

> I've just come across the Global Multi Resolution Topography dataset.  It combines multibeam sonar with satellite bathymetry to produce a DEM of the oceans, and uses SRTM for the land.  Data can be downloaded at ~1 arcsecond resolution (~90 m).
> I've put links and more information on the wiki: http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Global_datasets#Global_Multi-Resolution_Topography_.28GMRT.29
> There is a WMS server for the data but I haven't managed to use it successfully.  Instead, I downloaded tiles using wget, which I found very convenient.  I generally have mixed results with r.in.wms.
> Cheers
> John
> -- 
> Dr John Stevenson
> Postdoctoral Research Associate
> School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
> Williamson Building (Room 2.42)
> University of Manchester
> Manchester M13 9PL, UK
> tel. +44(0)161 306 6585; fax. +44(0)161 306 9361;
> john.stevenson at manchester.ac.uk 
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